Last Updated: 01/03/2024

Thank you for choosing RPS Storage. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and process your personal data through your use of this website, (our website), or where we otherwise obtain or collect your personal information. This Privacy Policy is effective from 01/03/2024.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. We recommend that you print off a copy of this Privacy Policy and any future versions in force from time to time for your records.


  • Data Controller: Lewis Ayris

  • How we collect or obtain your information: when you provide it to us, from your use of our website using cookies

  • Personal information we collect: name, contact details, information about your computer and mobile device, vehicle details, inquiry details, preferred location

  • How we use your personal information: administrative and business purposes, improving our website, advertising, legal rights and obligations

  • Disclosure of your personal information to third parties: only as necessary to run our business or fulfill contracts, as required by law, or with your explicit consent

  • Do we sell personal information to third parties: No

  • How long we retain your personal information: for no longer than necessary, based on legal obligations or other legal bases

  • How we secure your personal information: using appropriate technical and organizational measures

  • Use of cookies: we use cookies and similar technologies, detailed in our cookies policy (

  • Transfers of your personal information outside the European Economic Area: we will not transfer your personal information outside the European Economic Area. Where we do, we ensure appropriate safeguards are in place.

Contact Details

The Data Controller for our website is Lewis Ayris of RPS ADDRESS. You can contact the Data Controller by writing to RPS ADDRESS, or by sending an email to

How we collect or obtain personal information about you

Information collected from you

We collect personal data about you when you provide it to us, such as through your use of our website, contacting us directly, placing orders, or signing up for our newsletter.

Information received about you from third parties

We may receive information about you from affiliates, business partners, credit and fraud checking agencies, and other third parties, as permitted by law.

Information collected from your use of our website

We collect information about your use of our website through cookies and similar technologies. For more information, please see our cookies policy (

Personal information we collect or obtain about you

The type of information we collect includes:

- Your name, email address, address, and phone number

- Payment information (credit or debit card details)

- Information about your device and browser

- Information about how you use our website

- Information about your mobile device and geographical location

- Vehicle details, inquiry details, preferred location

How we use your personal information

We will use your personal information for various purposes, including:

- Administrative and business purposes

- Improving our website and business

- Advertising and analytical purposes

- Legal and enforcement of legal rights

How long we retain your personal information

We retain your information for no longer than necessary, considering legal obligations and other legal bases for processing. For example, we keep information related to inquiries for six months.

How we secure your personal information

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure your personal information, including secure servers, data encryption, and restricted access.

Use of cookies

We use cookies and similar technologies on our website. For details, please refer to our cookies policy (

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Any material changes will be communicated through our website.

Changes to your information

Please inform us of any changes to your information to ensure its accuracy and completeness.

Children’s Privacy

Our services are not intended for children under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from them.

Copyright, Credit, and Logo

This Privacy Policy is based on a GDPR-compliant template provided by GDPR Privacy Policy ( The copyright in this Privacy Policy is either owned by or licensed to us.

*Thank you for trusting RPS Storage with your information.*